From CrossFit to HIIT

I've been an active gym-goer for a little over a year and a half. Of course, this is after false starts too numerous to count. Like a lot of folks, when I started out I thought that if I threw $10 a month at the local globo gym and ran on a treadmill for 20 minutes, I'd get healthy. But I never stuck with it. I'd get bored, leave, sign up again when I felt “fat” and start all over. It was annoying to say the least, and nothing changed; I didn't feel healthier, I just felt sore and irritated.

 The one place I did feel like I could get something done at was here at Fitness Fusion. After signing up for a free week trial probably about five years or so ago, I discovered that I liked the bootcamp style classes, and found the coaches were bright and friendly, and that all the members were happy to have someone new in class. Best of all, the classes were fun and dynamic, so I didn't feel like I was running on a hamster wheel, making no progress.  Unfortunately, life took me in a different direction when I moved out of town, and I had to stop taking classes.

Then I picked up CrossFit sometime last summer and it slapped me in the face with how much work I could put into myself and still have fun. It dragged me out of some rut I didn't even realize I was in, and got me invested heart and soul into fitness and wellness. It got me thinking “hey, I could coach classes like this!”  Coaching and being a personal trainer ticked all the boxes for me, so I started looking at programs, jobs, and internship opportunities.

When I saw an ad for interns here at  Fitness Fusion, I jumped right on it. This is where my interest in fitness was sparked the first time, so why not! It was super exciting to hear that I had been accepted for the intern position, and the past three months have been amazingly fun.  Helping coach here was more informative than any self-study I had done up till that point. Throughout my internship, I had the privilege of watching Brian, Marlene, and Jared at work, and  seeing all the amazing members putting their best into class, trying to absorb it all so I could be a great coach. 

Admittedly, getting used to the circuit-style/interval training style took some time, but it's been great fun, and a great leaning experience. I'm very excited to start coaching classes soon, and look forward to meeting and getting to know everyone in the mornings!  So thank you, everyone, from the coaches to all the fantastic members I've had the opportunity to coach, for making my time as an intern an enjoyable one.  See you soon!
